President’s Message

Heritage, in all its tangible and intangible forms, is a universal human language that nations compete to preserve and respect, because it forms the essence and concept of identity, and is considered one of the most important pillars of civilization, and a source of pride and sovereignty for it.

From this standpoint, the Beirut Heritage Society was established, and committed itself to its goals, objectives, and mission, which is a means that we have prepared to enable everyone in general, and youth in particular, to see the heritage of the ancestors, and push them towards study and creativity, because the literary, artistic, popular and architectural heritage of their ancestors is large and prolific.


This site was created to record and document this great legacy, highlighting and publishing the best in it, so that it remains in its present, a refinement for our children, a beacon for them in the future of their days, and a lesson for the generations to come, and eventually help our beautiful Beirut to remain the flower of Phoenicia, the source of laws, the jewel of the crown and the capital of Arab leadership.

Suheil Mneimneh,

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